A few month ago I learned how to propagate trees through a process called Air layering.
Air layering is a method of propagating new trees and shrubs from stems still attached to the parent plant. The stem is wrapped with damp moss to encourage roots to form.
Today was a fantastic day because just look at how beautiful this fig tree turned out.
We planted two new fig trees today and now we are ready to propagate more.
Watering the garden has probably been the most challenging and time consuming work I have learned to embrace this year but today was a remarkable moment when opening a tap ment so much more.
The garden has a dripping system...whoop.
Drip irrigation systems are very water efficient. Very little water is lost to evaporation, unlike overhead sprinkler systems. Drip irrigation puts the water right at the base of the plant rather than watering the leaves. This minimizes moisture-related problems on plant leaves.
This is a Vachellia sieberiana.
I planted this seed in the beginning of the year.
Mark Enrieu from Spekboom Lapa in the Baviaanskloof challenged me to grow my own trees from seed.
Speekhout Plaas
087 700 4494
This Paperbark Acacia tree is 30cm tall.